Yellers & Chillers
The Great Exchange:
BCM hosts a unique exercise to reach students
By Katie Tolbert
Video: GSU Students
Perspective on Yellers vs Chillers on campus.
Free Speech Zone on Georgia Southern University Campus
If students are interested in requesting a table in the Rotunda or inside the Russell Union, they can log onto MyGeorigaSouthern and access the 25 Live tab. That will then direct them to the page that allows them to sign up for specific dates and times to request a table. For outside organizations not on campus they can sign up by going to the Free Speech Area Request page which allows them to fill out a form and wait for the approval of the Russell Union Facility Team.
By Gabe Thomas
Two groups, with different beliefs and two different tactics come to campus each week with one similar goal; to reach and help the students on Georgia Southern’s campus...
Rules of the Free Speech Zone
By: Caroline Hodge
According to the Student Organization Handbook, “Students, faculty, and staff are free to express their views, individually or in organized groups, orally, by sign orexhibit, on any topic, in all parts of the campus. Persons not affiliated with the university are free to express their views orally, by sign or exhibit, on any topic the Free Speech Area.”
Taylor Shultz the facility team leader of the Russell Union and her team work to make sure the following rules are practiced when a student or organization is present in the Free Speech Zone. The following rules are as stated in the Student Organization Handbook.
1. Assemblies and demonstrations must be conducted in compliance with these rules and other applicable University policy and must not:
result in a breach of peace or violation of law
negatively impact the security, health, and safety of persons and/or property on campus
interfere with the free and unimpeded flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on campus or the entry or exit into University buildings
materially disrupt or interfere with the normal activities of the University
damage or destroy University property
2. No person conducting or participating in an assembly or demonstration on University property or at University sponsored events may advocate the deliberate violation of the law. For the purposes of this section, "advocacy" means preparing the group addressed for imminent action and seeing it to such action, as opposed to the abstract espousal of the moral propriety of a course of action.
3. Students, faculty, staff, and their registered student organizations may assemble and/or demonstrate anywhere on university grounds between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday as long as the assembly and/or demonstration adheres to the provisions of Item 1 and a properly submitted Free Speech Area Request Form has been approved.
4. All other persons and groups may assemble and demonstrate in the Free Speech Area within the hours of operation of the Russell Union, as long as the assembly and/or demonstration adheres to the provisions of Item 1 and a properly submitted Free Speech Area Request Form has been approved.