Rep. Beto O’Rourke, Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate seat in Texas is currently leading the polls against Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.
With 47 percent of the precincts reporting, O’Rourke is 218,316 votes ahead of Cruz, according to CNN. Cruz is trailing behind O’Rourke, 46.6 percent to O’Rourke’s 52.7 percent.
If O’Rourke wins, he will become the first Democrat to hold statewide office in 24 years. Over one millions votes have been casted so far in Texas.
Texas is still too close to call in the U.S. Senate race.
CBS News is reporting that Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke are in a dead heat, with Cruz having 50.7 percent of the vote and O’Rourke having 48.6 percent of the vote.
The race has been close ever since polls began to close in Texas at 8 p.m. Young voters came out in huge numbers, according to CBS News.
71 percent of young people voted for O’Rourke, though that number decreases as ages increase.
Many of Cruz’s votes came from people over the age of 45, as well as white evangelicals.
Ted Cruz is re-elected as the U.S. Senator from Texas, Vox reports.
Cruz defeated Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke 51.1 percent to 48.3 percent. Many of O’Rourke’s issues like requiring background checks for gun sales and expanding Medicaid were very attractive to Texas Democrats and young people.
Though it was a close race for most of the night, Cruz ultimately pulled out on top in Texas.
Republican Greg Abbott has won the election for Texas Governor, according to The New York Times.
Abbott emerged victorious against Lupe Valdez, the first Latina and openly gay person to be nominated by a major party in the state.
Abbott has won 56 percent of the vote as of 11:20 p.m, getting over three million votes so far.
Valdez’s issues included expanding access to healthcare in rural communities as well as enacting immigration reform, according to her Issues page on her campaign website.
Abbott’s issues included growing the economy, elevating Texas education and more, which he named the “Bicentennial Blueprint: Framing Our Future”.