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Lieutenant Governor Race Heats Up

As the governor races is coming to close Duncan and Amico make their final pitches about the education system and health care, and Brian Kemp ask Amico to step down due to recent lawsuits.

Duncan and Amico have been campaigning hard against one another for quiet sometime. Duncan took some time to visit the Northwest Georgia area to talk about the rural broadband, growing the economy and securing schools. Which is one of Duncan’s biggest things which is to make sure the children get a proper education.


Amico wants to help expand on Medicaid for lower income families to help make it affordable. She plans on doing this by subsiding loans. Her and Sarah Abrams have this strong stance in common because they understand the struggle that lower income people go through in today economy.

Like Abrams she understands the pros of what expanding Medicaid can do, it would help make life easier for people because it will create more jobs. That alone will help with boosting the economy by putting more insurance cards in Georgians pockets.

In terms of health Duncan has different views on Medicaid he views the concern of bad health care for people of Georgia. His idea of a solution with health is by finding new way to leverage innovation and technology to solve health problems.

Closing weeks

In the closing weeks of the election Duncan plans to focus on lowering the employment rates. He also is putting a big emphasis on helping with education from Kindergarten - 12th grade. Duncan has a vision of how he would like Georgia to viewed in the eyes of America and that is to still be viewed as the “shining state”.

He feels that since he has always been viewed as an outsider he could help shed some new light on how society view small businesses. Duncan currently leads the Lieutenant Governor race with 45.4%

Amico has some of the same stances as Duncan in terms of the education system she feels as if the Republicans have had their chance to make an impact on the school system but have not. She pointed out how in Duncan’s five years as the Lt Governor Georgia is now ranked 35th out of 50 in terms of Georgia’s overall school system.

Amico also wants to help lower the mortality rate in Georgia due to it being the highest in the U.S.  Amico wants to help prevent that from happening as much as possible. Although the number is small but compared to the rest of the U.S. its ranked as one of the highest.

Kemp asks Amico to step down.

Recently there have been lawsuits flying around that surround the Sarah Riggs Amico business. Amico has received several law suits from employees who felt they were discriminated and sexually harass while working there.

It has been filed that there are almost a dozen cases that been filed against Amico business which makes it trouble some for the aspiring Lt Governor as the race ends in a few weeks. Governor Bryan Kemp has asked Amico to withdraw from the race, he even went so far as to team up with Sarah Abrams who is running democratic against him in this years race.


Georgia Southern University

Communication Arts Department

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Statesboro, GA 30460

(912) 478-5138 ©2018

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