Election Night
STATESBORO, GA--Trump and Brown supporters gather alongside the fair road voting precinct to promote voting for their candidates on Tuesday.
The supporters received honks and opposing chats as they waved flags and signs for the Donald Trump campaign and the sheriff candidate Noel Brown.
Though the 2016 presidential campaign has been controversial, two main views both supporters share are the thoughts on immigration and abortion.
Along these lines were concerns about the United States debt rate and the increase of jobs for its citizens. Trump promises various tactics such as paying bondholders to decrease the debt rate for the united states.
Richard Henry, a retired Bulloch County resident stated “Getting the people in inner cities and things like that, get that straightened out, get the people educated, get them to working and having a better life”.
Noel Brown, the sheriff candidate for Bulloch County, also had a great number of supporters at different precincts. With over 20 years of experience in the department Brown has lived up to his slogan “the sheriff of the people”.
Many concerns the community expressed were about the younger generation getting involved with the election and being educated on the facts presented.
This was one of the major purposes local resident Milton Sills came out to show his support for the sheriff candidate Noel Brown.
Sills stated, “Unlike a lot of people that gets real hard feelings, I try to support whoever’s in there because if the American people and Bulloch County put them in there, then they have my support one hundred percent.”
For information on the election and the results visit the link below.